Hot Todays

Membuat Recent Post Bergerak Kebawah

Membuat Recent Post Bergerak Kebawah - pada postingan kali ini saya ingin berbagi buat sobat semua, tentang bagaimana cara membuat recent post yang bergerak kebawah..

  • Login Ke akun Blogger
  • pilih Rancangan, Add Gadget, Html/java Script
  • Copy dan pastekan Script dibawah ini kedalamnya
<center><table border="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td><center><style type="text/css">#rp_plus_img{height:310px;overflow:hidden;border:solid 0px #000000;padding:6px 10px14px 5px;background-color:transparent;}#rp_plus_img ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0;padding:0}#rp_plus_img li{border:0px; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none;}#rp_plus_img li{height:85px;padding:0px;list-style:none;}#rp_plus_img a{color: #fff;}#rp_plus_img .news-title{display:block;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold !important;color:#fff;text-align:left;}#rp_plus_img .news-text{display:block;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal !important;color:#fff;text-align:justify;}#rp_plus_img img{float:left;margin-right:14px;padding:4px;border:solid 0px #DF0101;width:80px;height:55px;}</style><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src=""type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">var speed = 1000;var pause = 3500;$(document).ready(function(){rpnewsticker();interval = setInterval(rpnewsticker, pause);});</script><ul id="rp_plus_img"><script>var numposts = 10;var numchars = 45;</script> <script src="http://ULR BLOG ANDA/feeds/post/default?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rpthumbnt"></script> </ul></center></td></tr></tbody></table></center>

  • Ganti tulisan "ULR BLOG AND"   var numposts = 10 adalah jumlah posting yang ditampilkan
  • klik Simpan

Cara Membuat Google Sitemap

Cara Membuat Google Sitemap - Mungkin tutorial blog tentang Cara Membuat Google Sitemap ini sudah banyak dibahas oleh blogger lain yang udah senior dari saya sendiri. Namun apa salahya kalau saya mencoba membuat kembali tutorial Cara Membuat Google Sitemap ini, mungkin diantara sobat blogger masih ada belum mengerti Cara Membuat Google Sitemap.

Sebelumnya kita ketahui dulu bahwa fungsi google sitemap ini adalah untuk mempercepat index oleh google jadi jika sobat membuat site google ini, maka artikel sobat akan lebih berpeluang untuk bisa masuk di hasil pencarian google,

oke langsung saja ya Cara Membuat Google Sitemap :

1. Buka Link ini

2. Kemudian klik Webmaster tools (including sitemap)

3. Kemudian login, isi email dan password.

4. Kemudian  klik url sobat yang ingin dibuat sitemap, dan klik ‘sitemaps’

5. Lalu  klik ‘add sitemap’ (bagian kiri atas)”Choose type"

6. kemudian masuk semua ULR feed dibawah ini (masukkan satu persatu)
       - atom.xml
       - feeds/posts/default
       - feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
       - feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

Oke sobat sekian dulu, semoga bermanfaat

Cara Mengetahui Keyword Yang Paling Banyak dicari

langsung saja kita simak langkah2 cara meriset keyword :

Langkah - langkah Mengetahui Keyword Yang Paling Banyak dicari :
Masuk ke atau pun kemudian ketik sebeuah keyword, saya disini menggunakan keyword "Bisnis"(tanpa tanda petik). kemudian coba lihat SS (Screen shot) ini

Sobat bisa lihat keyword yang saya ketik tadi kemudian di iringi oleh keyword lain dibawahnya, keyword tersebut yang muncul adalah keyword yang paling banyak dicari oleh pengguna search engine.

Oke coba lihat lagi SS berikut
Setelah diatas tadi saya sorot pada keyword bisnis online, kemudian kembali muncul keyword baru dibawahnya, dan hasil yang di munculkan merupakan keyword yang paling banyak dicari.

Dengan demikian kita dapat mengetahui keyword apa yang paling banyak dicari sehingga kita dapat lebih bisa mengoptimalkan judul posting yang sesuai dengan keyword yang kita bidik :)

Kode Smile Emotion Facebook

Kode Smile Emotion Facebook - buat Anda yang suka chatting mengunakan layanan obrolan yang ada di facebook tentu ingin menampilakan ekspresi anda pada lawan chatting, Namun tahukah anda kode emotion atau smile pada chatting facebook?
jika ia berarti anda memang facebooker's sejati, namun bagi anda yang tidak sering dan belum tahu apa saja kode emotionnya. oke sekarang akan saya beberkan kepada anda

Smiley bisa dipergunakan dengan salah satu kode yang tersedia.

happy :-) :) :] =)

robot :|]

curly lips :3

pacman :v

upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o

confused o.O O.o

squint -_-

kiki ^_^

heart <3

kiss :-* :*

angel O:) O:-)

devil 3:) 3:-)
Shark (^^^)

unsure :/ :-/ :\ :-\

cry :'(

grumpy >:( >:-(

sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|

glasses 8-) 8) B-) B)

wink ;-) ;)

gasp :-O :O :-o :o

grin :-D :D =D

tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P

sad :-( :( :[ =(

Chris Putnam :putnam:


Harga BlackBerry Terbaru Desember 2011

Harga BlackBerry Terbaru Desember 2011 | Jika anda hendak membeli blackberry terbaru pada bulan desember ini hendaknya anda sudah mengetahui Harga BlackBerry Terbaru Desember, karena dengan ini anda dapat menyesuiakan dengan budget yang anda miliki sekarang.

berikut adalah daftar Harga BlackBerry Terbaru Desember 2011 dan data ini akan terus update setiap bulannya, oke tanpa banyak basa basi lagi mari kita lihat Harga BlackBerry Terbaru Desember 2011

BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900
Harga Bks:Rp.-
BlackBerry Curve 8310
Harga Bks:Rp.750.000,-
BlackBerry 8320
Harga Bks:Rp.800.000,-

BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100
Harga Bks:Rp.-

BlackBerry Bold 9700
Harga Bks:Rp.2.300.000,-

BlackBerry Bold 9780
Harga Bks:Rp.2.900.000,-

BlackBerry Torch 9800
Harga Bks:Rp.3.500.000,-

BlackBerry Curve 8520 Gemini
Harga Bks:Rp.1.300.000,-

BlackBerry Curve 8530 AHA
Harga Bks:Rp.-

BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300
Harga Bks:Rp.1.900.000,-

BlackBerry Storm2 9550 Odin
Harga Bks:Rp.1.950.000,-

BlackBerry Bold 9650
Harga Bks:Rp.2.150.000,-

BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9105
Harga Bks:Rp.-

BlackBerry Style 9670
Harga Bks:Rp.

BlackBerry Storm 9500
Harga Bks:Rp.1.300.000,-

BlackBerry 8220
Harga Bks:Rp.750.000,-

Black Berry Bold 9000
Harga Bks:Rp.1.400.000,-

Blackberry Storm 9530
Harga Bks:Rp.1.200.000,-

BlackBerry Javelin 8900
Harga Bks:Rp.1.450.000,-

BlackBerry Tour 9630
Harga Bks:Rp.1.400.000,-

BlackBerry Playbook 16 GB WiFi
Harga Bks:Rp.-

" Mungkin harga diatas pada setiap kota berbeda "
Semoga Harga BlackBerry Terbaru Desember 2011 bisa bermanfaat buat anda yang ingin membeli blackberry

kutipan - kutipan bijak

Meski ia mengatakan, "Aku tidak punya
bakat khusus. Aku hanyalah orang yang
penasaran." namun nama "Einstein" sangat
identik dengan kata "Jenius".

Hampir tidak
ada seorangpun yang menolak jika Einstein
dikatakan sebagai prototipe manusia jenius. Berikut berbagai pemikiran dan pendapat
sang maskot ilmuwan modern:

- Hakikat ku adalah yang aku pikirkan, bukan
apa yang aku rasakan

- Selagi ada cinta tidak perlu ada lagi

-Aku Berpikir terus menerus berbulan-bulan
dan bertahun tahun, sembilan puluh
sembilan kali dan kesimpulannya salah.

Untuk yang keseratus aku benar.

- Kalau mereka ingin menemuiku, aku ada
disini. Kalau mereka ingin bertemu dengan
pakaianku, bukalah lemariku dan tunjukkan
pada mereka. (Ketika istrinya memintanya
berganti untuk menemui Duta Besar Jerman)

- Kebanyakan orang mengatakan bahwa
kecerdasanlah yang melahirkan seorang
ilmuwan besar. Mereka salah, karakterlah
yang melahirkannya.

- Tanda kecerdasan sejati bukanlah
pengetahuan tapi imajinasi.

- Tidak ada eksperimen yang bisa
membuktikan aku benar, namun sebaliknya
sebuah eksperimen saja bisa membuktikan
aku salah.

- Orang-orang seperti kita, yang percaya
pada fisika, mengetahui bahwa perbedaan
antara masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan
hanyalah sebuah ilusi yang terus menerus

- Dunia ini adalah sebuah tempat yang
berbahaya untuk didiami, bukan karena
orang-orangnya jahat, tapi karena orang-
orangnya tak perduli.

- Mencari kebenaran lebih bernilai
dibandingkan menguasainya.

- Hidup itu seperti naik sepeda. Agar tetap
seimbang, kau harus terus bergerak.

- Sudah saatnya cita-cita kesuksesan diganti
dengan cita-cita pengabdian.

- Lebih mudah mengubah plutonium dari
pada mengubah sifat jahat manusia.

- Tidak ada yang lebih merusak martabat
pemerintah dan hukum negeri dibanding
meloloskan undang-undang yang tidak bisa

- Belajarlah dari masa lalu, hiduplah untuk
masa depan.

- Yang terpenting adalah tidak
berhenti bertanya.

- The most beautiful thing we can experience
is the mysterious.

-Ilmu pengetahuan tanpa agam = buta,

agama tanpa ilmu pengetahuan = lumpuh.

- Imajinasi lebih berharga daripada ilmu

- Logika akan membawa Anda
dari A ke B. Imajinasi akan membawa Anda

About FTP and SFTP

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an older protocol for moving files back and forth over the Internet and other networks. All modern web browsers still speak FTP, which was sometimes used as a substitute for HTTP in the early days of the web. FTP is still used often as a means of downloading large files.

Many web hosts still offer FTP as the preferred way of uploading new web pages to a website. However, because there is no encryption of your password, FTP is not the best choice for this purpose. And since there is no encryption of the files being moved, FTP is a poor choice indeed for more sensitive information.

SFTP (Secure FTP) is a popular replacement. Built on SSL, SFTP is just as secure as HTTPS. And most modern FTP clients, such as the free, high-quality FileZilla program for Windows, support both FTP and SFTP. SFTP offers a set of features quite similar to FTP and will be immediately familiar to FTP users, although it works quite differently "under the hood."

Every Windows, MacOS X and Linux system comes standard with a simple command line FTP client program. And MacOS X and Linux also have command line SFTP clients as standard equipment. In addition, MacOS X supports connections to FTP servers in a user-friendly way, right out of the box (you can find a great tutorial on
Binary Mode and ASCII Mode in FTP
"Classic," non-secure FTP can move files in two major ways: "binary mode" and "ASCII mode." Binary mode just moves the file down the wire without modifying anything... and this is, almost always, what we want today.

"ASCII mode" is sometimes used for plain-text (usually, .txt) files. ASCII mode, named for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange which determines what byte stands for each letter, number or other character in text, corrects for differences in the way line endings are stored in text files. Windows traditionally uses a carriage return (represented by an ASCII value of 13) followed by a line feed (represented by 10). Unix typically expects just the line feed. And MacOS, at least prior to MacOS X, preferred a carriage return only.

Today, though, most text-editing and viewing programs can view text files that follow any of these three conventions (including Microsoft Word, and the free WordPad program that comes with Windows, but excluding a few annoying holdovers like Windows Notepad). So ASCII mode doesn't do us much good. These days ASCII mode is mostly an annoyance, something people accidentally leave on in a very old fashioned command-line FTP program, or accidentally turn on in a newer one. And when you're moving a program, an image or anything else with an exact file format that must not be modified, that means you get garbage instead of the file you wanted.

The norm today is for FTP to simply ship files unchanged in binary mode.

Once upon a time there was also something called "TENEX mode," to move files between computers that didn't even use the same number of bits to represent a byte. Yes, FTP has been around that long! But TENEX mode doesn't come up as an issue these days, and we're all happier for it.

Remove Shortcut From Pen Drive

Remove Shortcut From Pen Drive
Click on "Start" -->Run --> type cmd and click on OK.
Here I assume your pen drive letter as G:
Enter this command.

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*

You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and
paste it.
Note : Don't forget to replace the letter g with your pen drive letter.
Now press "Enter".
Now check for your files and folder in Pen Drive.

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Alt + P
In Windows Explorer, activate an additional file preview pane to the right side of the window with this new shortcut. This panel is great for previewing images in your photos directory. 

  • Windows + + (plus key)
  • Windows + - (minus key)
Pressing the Windows and plus or minus keys activates the Magnifier, which lets you zoom in on the entire desktop or open a rectangular magnifying lens to zoom in and out of parts of your screen. You can customize the Magnifier options to follow your mouse pointer or keyboard cursor. Keep in mind that so far, the Magnifier only works when Aero desktop is enabled. 
  • Windows + Up 
  • Windows + Down
If a window is not maximized, pressing Windows + Up will fill it to your screen. Windows + Down will minimize that active window. Unfortunately, pressing Windows + Up again while a window is minimized won’t return it to its former state. 
  • Windows + Shift + Up 
Similar to the shortcut above, hitting these three keys while a window is active will stretch it vertically to the maximum desktop height. The width of the window will however stay the same. Pressing Windows + Down will restore it to its previous size.
  • Windows + Left
  •  Windows + Right
One of the new features of Windows 7 is the ability to automatically make a window fill up half of your screen by dragging to the left or right. This pair of shortcuts performs the same function without your mouse. Once a window is fixed to one side of the screen, you can repeat the shortcut to flip it to the other side. This is useful if you’re extending a desktop across multiple monitors, which prevents you from executing this trick with a mouse.
  • Windows + Home
This shortcut performs a similar function to hovering over a window’s peek menu thumbnail in the Taskbar. The active window will stay on your desktop while every other open application is minimized. Pressing this shortcut again will restore all the other windows.
  • Windows + E
 Automatically opens up a new Explorer window to show your Libraries folder.
  • Windows + P
Manage your multiple-monitor more efficiently with this handy shortcut. Windows + P opens up a small overlay that lets you configure a second display or projector. You can switch from a single monitor to dual-display in either mirror or extend desktop mode.
  • Windows + Shift + Left 
  • Windows + Shift + Right
If you are using two or more displays (and who isn’t, these days?), memorize this shortcut to easily move a window from one screen to the other. The window retains its size and relative position on the new screen, which his useful when working with multiple documents. Utilize that real estate!
  • Windows + [Number]
Programs (and new instances) pinned to your Taskbar can be launched by hitting Windows and the number corresponding to its placement on the Taskbar. Windows + 1, for example, launches the first application, while Windows + 4 will launch the fourth. We realize that this is actually one key-press more than just clicking the icon with your mouse, but it saves your hand the trouble of leaving the comfort of the keyboard.
  • Windows + T
Like Alt + Tab (still our all time favorite Windows specific shortcut), Windows + T cycles through your open programs via the Taskbar’s peek menu.
  • Windows + Space
 This combo performs the same function as moving your mouse to the bottom right of the Taskbar. It makes every active window transparent so you can view your desktop. The windows only remain transparent as long as you’re holding down the Windows key.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Click
 Hold down Ctrl and Shift while launching an application from the Taskbar or start menu to launch it with full administrative rights.
  • Ctrl + Click
 Hold down Ctrl while repeatedly clicking a program icon in the Taskbar will toggle between the instances of that application, like multiple Firefox windows (though not browser tabs).

shortcut for locking your computer

Creating a desktop shortcut for locking your comp!

If you use your computer in an area where others may have access to it, and there are things on your system you would rather have kept confidential, locking your desktop when you leave the computer is an essential task. Here’s a recipe for a desktop shortcut that will lock your computer in two easy clicks:

Right click on an empty area of the desktop and choose ‘new’ then ’shortcut.’ The create shortcut wizard will open; in the first text box, type ‘%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation’ and then give your shortcut an appropriate name on the next page, and hit ‘finish.’

You will notice that the shortcut you created has a blank icon. To select a more appropriate one, right click on the shortcut and hit ‘properties.’ In the ’shortcut’ tab, click the ‘change icon’ button.

In the ‘look for icons in this file’ box, type ‘%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll’ then click ‘ok’ to see a range of icons for your new shortcut. Choose an appropriate icon. Your desktop locking shortcut is now ready for use. Test it out.

membuat related article

Salam blogger, tahukan related article sangat bermanfaat buat blog sobat, karena dengan related article pengunjung blog kita akan lebih mudah dalam mencari artikel yang berkaitan dengan article yang dibaca, sehingga pengunjung bisa berlama - lama di blog kita, langsung saja sobat.

Seperti biasa langkah - langkahnya :
  • Login ke dashboard, 
  • klik Layout, Edit HTML (jangan lupa backup template dengan Download Full Template), 
  • cari code dibawah ini untuk memudahkan guhakan (Ctrl + F) :

Setelah itu copy-kan code dibawah ini tepat dibawahnya  <data:post.body/> :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='similiar'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<h3>Related Artikel</h3>
<div id='data2007'/><br/><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;
var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4;
var maxNumberOfLabels = 10;

maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100;
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;

function listEntries10(json) {
var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ?
json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i ) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
var alturl;

for (var k = 0; k &lt;; k ) {
if ([k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
alturl =[k].href;
var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);
var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
a.href = alturl;

if(a.href!=location.href) {
var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t);
for (var l = 0; l &lt;; l ) {
if ([l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
var raw =[l].href;
var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length 13);
var k;
for (k=0; k&lt;20; k ) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;);
var txt = document.createTextNode(label);
var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;);
var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
function search10(query, label) {

var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39;
script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;);

var labelArray = new Array();
var numLabel = 0;

<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
textLabel = &quot;<>&quot;;

var test = 0;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i )
if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1;
if (test == 0) {
var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ?
labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels;
if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) {
search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);
numLabel ;

sekarang save template sobat, lihat di setiap postingan akan ada "Related Article"
selamat mencoba.

Static IP Address Configuration Using Command Line

1. Click "Start" then Click "Run" then type "cmd" and hit Enter.
2. (Please ignore this step if you already logged on as administrator or alike)within the cmd window type "Runas /User:Administrator cmd" where Adminitrator is a user with an administrative privileges(under the administrators group) then it will prompt you for a password. type it and hit Enter.
3. Now you will see a new cmd window with the prompt C:\WINDOWS\system32> , then you are having cmd with administrative privileges.
4. Type "Netsh Interface IP Set Address "local area connection" static 1" this will change your Ip address to with subnet mask and default gateway, please note that if you rename the local area connection to something else you need to place it instead of "local area connection" also if you want to change ip of your Wireless connection you would change it to "Wireless Network Connection" unless you renamed it.(you need to type local area connection with quotation mark “ “)
5. Type "Netsh Interface IP Set Dns "local area connection" static" this will change your primary dns ip address to
6. if you want to go in the opposite direction changing from static to dynamic (DHCP) the you need to type" Netsh Interface IP Set Address "local area connection" DHCP" and wait for some seconds to pass until it says OK and type "Netsh Interface IP Set Dns "local area connection" DHCP" for DNS.

Manual install template joomla

He have learned about how to install automatically Joomla templates. Now, let's try to install Joomla templates manually. This is a small tutorial about how to install templates manually.

Let's begin:
  • Get your zip files from our (or other) website. Unzip the file on your computer.
  • Log on with your ftp client on your site.
  • Find "Templates" folder on your root site and upload unzipped directory. The structure should look like this: /templates/mody_bluelight/index.php.
  • Log on your Joomla administration section. Go to Site --> Template Manager --> Site Templates
  • Select your new template from the list and publish it.
  • Go to Site --> Preview --> In new window
NB. intinya kita upload template yang akan kita pakai dengan login pakai FTP Manager, terus pergi ke directory template, diupload disitu

oke done, have fun friend

Cara mengatur jarak kotak komentar dengan footer

Salam blogger semua, kotak komentar sobat  jaraknya jauh dari footer, pastinya tampilannya jadi kurang bagus tentunya, kali ini mas syaif akan Mengatur/ Merubah Jarak Spasi di Bawah Kotak Komentar, bisa mengikuti langkah mudah nya sebagai berikut :
  • Login Blogger
  • Klik Rancangan atau Design
  • pilih tab Edit HTML
  • centang Expand Widget Templates 
  • Cari kode dibawah ini dengan menekan keypad ctlr+F yang mirip sebagai berikut :

<iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize blogger-comment-from-post' frameborder='0' height='410' id='comment-editor' name='comment-editor' src='' width='100%'/>
Ganti jumlah yang berwarna merah sesuai keinginan Anda (aku menggantinya dengan jumlah 200 atau sesuai dengan yang sobat inginkan)
Jika sudah di ganti,
klik tombol Simpan Template, dan lihat hasil nya
Bagaimana bagus bukan...

Pasang (Navigasi) Breadcrumb di Blog Blogspot

Salam blogger, peernah lihat navigasi situs berupa label - label yang berjajar di awali dari home, dan terletak di atas judul posting, kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang navigasi situs tersebut.

oke, begini cara membuat navigasi breadcrumb-nya :
  • Login ke Blogger. 
  • Langsung tuju Edit HTML. 
  • Klik Expand Template Widget. 
Letakkan kode berikut ini tepat sebelum kode ]]></b:skin> 

padding:5px 5px 5px 0;
border-bottom:4px double #cadaef}
  • kemudian, cari kode seperti ini :
<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template'> 
  • kalau tidak ada coba cari code yang mirip seperti <div class='post hentry> 
  • Letakkan kode berikut ini tepat di bawah kode <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template'> atau  <div class='post hentry> tergantung templatenya.  
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div class='breadcrumbs'> Browse &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a> &#187; <b:if cond='data:post.labels'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a> <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'> , </b:if> </b:loop> </b:if> &#187; <data:post.title/> </div> </b:if> </b:if> 
  • sekarang simpan templatenya.
  • have fun 

Cara Membuat Scroll Pada Label

Salam Blogger semua, pastinya sobat blogger sudah tidak asing lagi dengan widget bawaan Blogspot yang satu ini yaitu Label , tetapi widget yang satu ini, biasanya akan memanjang jika Label terlalu banyak. namun jangan khawatir, karena dengan fungsi scrool semua akan tampak rapi seperti pada Blog archive yang pernah saya share, dan tidak memakan tempat tentunya. langsung saja :

  • Dari halaman dasbor, klik Tata Letak - Edit HTML.
  • Beri tanda centrang pada Expand Template Widget.
  • Kemudian cari kode type='Label' (gunakan Control F atau F3).
  • Perhatikan kode yang ada di bawahnya, seperti ini:
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
Tambahkan perintah style='overflow:auto; height:200px' pada kode yang berwarna biru, sehingga menjadi seperti ini:

<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content' style='overflow:auto; height:200px'>
  • Atur ukuran tinggi (height)-nya sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Simpan hasil editing ini.
Have fun sobat..

Cara Membuat Posting Tampil Hanya Judulnya Saja

Salam Blogger, pasti pernah lihat kan ada blog yang hanya menampilkan judul postingnya saja pada halaman depan blognya, seperti blognya kang rohman, nah kaliini saya mau berbagi cara Membuat Posting Tampil Hanya Judulnya Saja pada halaman depan blogspot. Langsung saja :
  • Dari halaman dasbor, klik Tata Letak - Edit HTML.
  • Beri tanda centrang pada Expand Template Widget.
  • Kemudian cari kode ]]></b:skin> (gunakan Control F atau F3).
  • Copy kode berikut, lalu paste di bawah kode ]]></b:skin>
<style type='text/css'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
  • Klik tombol SIMPAN TEMPLATE. 
  • Selesai. Silahkan lihat hasilnya.
namun, dengan memasang kode diatas masih menyisakan beberapa elemen seperti tanggal posting, komentar dan yang lainnya. Jika sobat ingin menghilangkan semuanya dan yang tersisa hanya judul post nya saja, anda bisa menggunakan kode berikut :

<style type='text/css'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
.post-body, .post-footer, .jump-link,
.post-timestamp, .reaction-buttons,
.star-ratings, .post-backlinks,
.post-icons, .date-header{display:none;}

Have fun..

Cara Membuat Scroll Pada Blog Archive

 Salam Blogger semua, pastinya sobat blogger sudah tidak asing lagi dengan widget bawaan Blogspot yang satu ini yaitu Blog Archive , tetapi widget yang satu ini, biasanya akan memanjang jika kita post banyak pada satu bulan. namun jangan khawatir, karena dengan fungsi scrool semua akan tampak rapi, dan tidak memakan tempat tentunya. langsung saja :
  • Dari halaman dasbor, klik Tata Letak - Edit HTML.
  • Beri tanda centrang pada Expand Template Widget.
  • Kemudian cari kode type='BlogArchive' (gunakan Control F atau F3).
  • Perhatikan kode yang ada di bawahnya, seperti ini:
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<div id='ArchiveList'>
  • Tambahkan perintah style='overflow:auto; height:200px' pada kode yang berwarna biru, sehingga menjadi seperti ini:
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content' style='overflow:auto; height:200px'>
<div id='ArchiveList'>

  • Atur ukuran tinggi (height)-nya sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Simpan hasil editing ini
Have fun..

How to Hide User Accounts from the Welcome Screen in Windows 7 and Vista

Here are steps you may follow if you want to hide user accounts from welcome (loggon) screen in Win 7 and vista.

As you know, on bootup, Windows 7 and Vista give you a Welcome screen with a list of user accounts created on the computer. Such a list is available only in the case such accounts have been password-protected. If you don’t like the idea that other users may see your account and you wish to hide it and protect your privacy, here is a simple hack to disply only the fields to inster the username and password, in perfect Windows XP style.

1. Click Start.
2. In the Search field, type regedit and press Enter.
3. Locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software \Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies \System.
4. In the right pane, double click the DontDisplayLastName and set its value to 1.
5. Click OK to confirm.
6. Restart the computer for the change to take effect.

If the above hack doesn’t work, try this:

1. Go to your Windows registry and locate this key: HKEY_Local_Machine \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ SpecialAccounts\UserList
2. Now, right-click the UserList folder located on the left pane and from the menu, select New – DWORD (32-bit) Value
3. Name the new DWORD as the username you want to hide and click OK.
4. Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
5. Upon restaring your computer, you should see that the account you wanted to hide won’t disappear on the welcome screen!

How to Uninstall and Remove Software in Safe Mode in Windows Operating System

If you have installed software on your computer and for any reason it gives you issues, the best thing to do is to uninstall it.
(Learn how with this post...)

If you have installed software on your computer and for any reason it gives you issues, the best thing to do is to uninstall it. Period. But what happen if such a piece of software keeps restarting your Windows operating system or worst, disables certain services so that you won’t be able to performs some important operation anymore ? In this case Windows will help you with a special feature called Safe Mode. Basically, in Safe Mode you will be able to troubleshoot your computer in order to fix issues. However, if you need to uninstall and remove some software, you have to know that this kind of “limited state” Mode has the Windows Installer Service completely disabled. Let’s see how to turn it on and uninstall everything… even in the Safe Mode configuration. Windows Installation Service is responsible for the installation and uninstallation procedure. If you try to access it in Safe Mode you will get the following message: “The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your Support Personnel for assistance”. The following tutorial will teach you how to turn the Windows Installation Service in Safe Mode:

1. Click Start
2. In the Search field, type regedit and press Enter.
3. Locate the following registry key: HKLM\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Control\SafeBoot\ Minimal\
4. Right-click on the Mininal key and from the menu select New – Key. Now name the new key MSIService and change the value to Service by double-clicking it.
5. If you are in the Safe Mode with Network Mode, repeat the above steps for the following registry key: HKLM\ SYSTEM#92;CurrentControlSet\ Control\ SafeBoot\Network\
6. The newly created MSIService will make available the Windows Installation Service in Safe Mode. However, I want to remind you that it is necessary to turn the new service on.
7. To do it, exit regedit, click Start and in the Search field type: services.msc and press Enter.
8. From the list, locate Windows Installer. Right-click it and select Start.
9. If the procedure to turn on Windows Installer doesn’t work try this one:
10. Click Start.
11. In the search field, type cmd. Do not press Enter.
12. Right click the Command DOS icon and click the Run it as Administrator link.
13. In the command prompt, type net start msiserver.

At the end of the whole procedure do not forget to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

101 Google tips, tricks

Looking for the ultimate tips for Google searching? You've just found the only guide to Google you need. Let's get started:

1. The best way to begin searching harder with Google is by clicking the Advanced Search link.
2. This lets you search for exact phrases, "all these words", or one of the specified keywords by entering search terms into the appropriate box.
3. You can also define how many results you want on the page, what language and what file type you're looking for, all with menus.
4. Advanced Search lets you type in a Top Level Domain (like in the "Search within site of domain" box to restrict results.
5. And you can click the "Date, usage rights, numeric range and more" link to access more advanced features.
6. Save time – most of these advanced features are also available in Google's front page search box, as command line parameters.
7. Google's main search invisibly combines search terms with the Boolean construct "AND". When you enter smoke fire – it looks for smoke AND fire.
8. To make Google search for smoke or fire, just type smoke OR fire
9. Instead of OR you can type the | symbol, like this: smoke | fire
10. Boolean connectors like AND and OR are case sensitive. They must be upper case.
11. Search for a specific term, then one keyword OR another by grouping them with parentheses, like this: water (smoke OR fire)
12. To look for phrases, put them in quotes: "there's no smoke without fire"
13. Synonym search looks for words that mean similar things. Use the tilde symbol before your keyword, like this: ~eggplant
14. Exclude specific key words with the minus operator. new pram -ebay excludes all results from eBay.
15. Common words, like I, and, then and if are ignored by Google. These are called "stop words".
16. The plus operator makes sure stop words are included. Like: fish +and chips
17. If a stop word is included in a phrase between quote marks as a phrase, the word is searched for.
18. You can also ask Google to fill in a blank. Try: Christopher Columbus discovered *
19. Search for a numerical range using the numrange operator. For example, search for Sony TV between £300 and £500 with the string Sony TV £300..£500
20. Google recognises 13 main file types through advanced search, including all Microsoft Office Document types, Lotus, PostScript, Shockwave Flash and plain text files.
21. Search for any filetype directly using the modifier filetype:[filetype extension]. For example: soccer filetype:pdf
22. Exclude entire file types, using the same Boolean syntax we used to exclude key words earlier: rugby -filetype:doc
23, In fact, you can combine any Boolean search operators, as long as your syntax is correct. An example: "sausage and mash" -onions filetype:doc
24. Google has some very powerful, hidden search parameters, too. For example "intitle" only searches page titles. Try intitle:herbs
25. If you're looking for files rather than pages – give index of as the intitle: parameter. It helps you find web and FTP directories.
26. The modifier inurl only searches the web address of a page: give inurl:spices a go.
27. Find live webcams by searching for: inurl:view/view.shtml
28. The modifier inanchor is very specific, only finding results in text used in page links.
29. Want to know how many links there are to a site? Try link:sitename – for example
30. Similarly, you can find pages that Google thinks are related in content, using the related: modifier. Use it like this:
31. The modifier info:site_name returns information about the specified page.
32. Alternatively, do a normal search then click the "Similar Pages" link next to a result.
33. Specify a site to search with the site: modifier – like this: search tips
34. The above tip works with directory sites like and dynamically generated sites.
35. Access Google Directory – a database of handpicked and rated sites – at
36. The Boolean operators intitle and inurl work in Google directory, as does OR.
37. Use the site: modifier when searching Google Images, at For example: dvd recorder
38. Similar, using "" will only return results from .com domains.
39. Google News ( has its own Boolean parameters. For example "intext" pulls terms from the body of a story.
40. If you use the operator "source:" in Google News, you can pick specific archives. For example: heather mills source:daily_mail
41. Using the "location:" filter enables you to return news from a chosen country. location:uk for example.
42. Similarly, Google Blogsearch ( has its own syntax. You can search for a blog title, for example, using inblogtitle:
43. The general search engine can get very specific indeed. Try movie: to look for movie reviews.
44. The modifier film: works just as well!
45. Enter showtimes and Google will prompt you for your postcode. Enter it and it'll tell you when and where local films are showing.
46. For a dedicated film search page, go to
47. If you ticked "Remember this Location" when you searched for show times, the next time you can enter the name of a current film instead.
48. Google really likes movies. Try typing director: The Dark Knight into the main search box.
49. For cast lists, try cast: name_of_film
50. The modifier music: followed by a band, song or album returns music reviews.
51. Try searching for weather London – you'll get a full 4-day forecast.
52. There's also a built-in dictionary. Try define: in the search box.
53. Google stores the content of old sites. You can search this cache direct with the syntax keyword cache:site_url
54. Alternatively, enter cache:site_url into Google's search box to be taken direct to the stored site.
55. No calculator handy? Use Google's built in features. Try typing 12*15 and hitting "Google Search".
56. Google's calculator converts measurements and understands natural language. Type in 14 stones in kilos, for example.
57. It does currency conversion too. Try 200 pounds in euros
58. If you know the currency code you can type 200 GBP in EUR instead for more reliable results.
59. And temperature! Just type: 98 f to c to convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade.
60. Want to know how clever Google really is? Type 2476 in roman numerals, then hit "Google Search"...
61. You can personalise your Google experience by creating a Google account. Go to then click "Create Account".
62. With a Google account there are lots more extras available. You'll get a free Gmail email account for one...
63. With your Google account, you can also personalise your front page. Click "iGoogle" to add blog and site feeds.
64. Click "Add a Tab" in iGoogle to add custom tabs. Google automatically populates them with suitable site suggestions.
65. iGoogle allows you to theme your page too. Click "Select Theme" to change the default look.
66. Some iGoogle themes change with time..."Sweet Dreams" is a theme that turns from day to night as you browse.
67. Click "More" under "Try something new" to access a full list of Google sites and new features.
68. "Custom Search" enables you to create a branded Google search for your own site.
69. An active, useful service missing from the list is "Personalised Search" – but you can access it via when you're logged in.
70. This page lists searches you have recently made – and is divided into categories. Clicking "pause" stops Google from recording your history.
71. Click "Trends" to see the sites you visit most, the terms you enter most often and links you've clicked on!
72. Personalised Search also includes a bookmark facility – which enables you to save bookmarks online and access them from anywhere.
73. You can add bookmarks or access your bookmarks using the iGoogle Bookmarks gadget.
74. Did you know you can search within your returned results? Scroll down to the bottom of the search results page to find the link.
75. Search locally by appending your postcode to the end of query. For example Indian food BA1 2BW finds restaurants in Bath, with addresses and phone numbers!
76. Looking for a map? Just add map to the end of your query, like this: Leeds map
77. Google finds images just as easily and lists them at the top, when you add image to the end of your search.
78. Google Image Search recognises faces... add &imgtype=face to the end of the returned URL in the location bar, then hit enter to filter out pictures that aren't people.
79. Keeping an eye on stocks? Type stocks: followed by market ticker for the company and Google returns the data from Google Finance.
80. Enter the carrier and flight number in Google's main search box to return flight tracking information.
81. What time is it? Find out anywhere by typing time then the name of a place.
82. You may have noticed Google suggests alternate spellings for search terms – that's the built in spell checker!
83. You can invoke the spell checker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword.
84. Click "I'm Feeling Lucky" to be taken straight to the first page Google finds for your keyword.
85. Enter a statistics-based query like population of Britain into Google, and it will show you the answer at the top of its results.
86. If your search has none-English results, click "Translate this Page" to see it in English.
87. You can search foreign sites specifically by clicking "Language Tools", then choosing which countries sites to translate your query to.
88. Other features on the language tools page include a translator for blocks of text you can type or cut and paste.
89. There's also a box that you can enter a direct URL into, translating to the chosen language.
90. Near the language tools link, you'll see the "Search Preferences". This handy page is full of secret functionality.
91. You can specify which languages Google returns results in, ticking as many (or few) boxes as you like.
92. Google's Safe Search protects you from explicit sexual content. You can choose to filter results more stringently or switch it off completely.
93. Google's default of 10 results a page can be increased to up to 100 in Search Preferences, too.
94. You can also set Google to open your search results in a new window.
95. Want to see what others are searching for or improve your page rank? Go to
96. Another useful, experimental search can be found at – where you can find the hottest search terms.
97. To compare the performance of two or more terms, enter them into the trends search box separated by commas.
98. Fancy searching Google in Klingon? Go to
99. Perhaps the Swedish chef from the muppets is your role model instead? Check
100. Type answer to life, the universe and everything into Google. You may be surprised by the result...
101. It will also tell you the number of horns on a unicorn

